Introduction to APIs

Nov 14, 2022 · 8 min read

I’ve written this post to help some of my colleagues, who traditionally don’t work with APIs to understand some foundations. They are designers, product managers etc. If you’ve used APIs before, this post is probably not for you ;-).

An “Application Programming Interface” (API) allows two software systems to communicate in an agreed manner, set out by open specifications.

We are going to focus on basic concepts to allow us to be able to communicate effectively about APIs, in an engineering product team. There will be a plethora of links to other sites with better content than this if you want to learn more.

Types of API

There are many types of APIs on the internet. For example

Each type of API has pros and cons, and also rules you need to follow. This post will not get into all that, but some of the links above do. If you’re interested, checkout the links and go down the rabbit hole. The rest of this post will focus on RESTful APIs, since that is currently what my team is working with. We are going to use examples from the Prolific API.

Note, Prolific is an online platform that allows you to conduct research with 130,000+ vetted participants. This gives you insights you can rely on.


We often talk about endpoints when it comes to APIs. An endpoint is a location that allows you to send or retrieve data. Using the API mentioned above, we could send a POST request to the endpoint to create a Study resource on the Prolific Platform. It’s like the address of the API on the internet.

Each endpoint allows you to do certain things with it.


There is a language to talk to APIs. It’s worth understanding these in the context of what you’re building, as it facilitates knowledge transfer.

Let’s agree on some terminology here.

For those two categories, we can do the following things with them.

These are called HTTP Verbs, and we are going to see this in action, next.


At this point, we now actually want to communicate with the API. This is done via an HTTP Request. When you search google, that is generating an HTTP Request. When you log into Twitter (if you can), that is generating an HTTP Request, and so on. In fact, everything you are doing on the internet is generating requests in some way.

In its basic form, a request takes an endpoint, a method, and a payload of some kind and sends that to the API.

Rather than using a browser, we will use a command line tool to see more of what is happening under the hood for this example.

This HTTP Request is asking the API to respond with information about my user account.

curl -X GET \
  '' \
  --header 'Accept: */*' \
  --header 'User-Agent: curl' \
  --header 'Authorization: Token <redacted>'

With this command you can see a few things happening:

At this point, we are now sending a semantically correct request to the Prolific Platform API.


Once a request is received by the API, the API needs to respond. It’s only polite to do so!

Based on the example HTTP Request above, this is the response we have received from the API.

< HTTP/2 200
< date: Fri, 18 Nov 2022 13:51:04 GMT
< content-type: application/json
< content-length: 1802
< x-frame-options: DENY
< vary: Origin, Cookie
< x-content-type-options: nosniff
< referrer-policy: same-origin
< cross-origin-opener-policy: unsafe-none
< via: 1.1 google
< alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000
* Connection #0 to host left intact
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This response can be broken down into the HTTP Response Headers, and the HTTP Body. Let’s start to understand some of the headers.

After the headers, we can then see the JSON data we wanted. This could be HTML, XML, Text, JSON, or a raft of other things, such as image data etc.

We should all strive to make the API responses consistent across our API endpoints. This makes it easier for systems to talk to us in a consistent way.


So, in the last section, we talked about consistency. Well, there are specification frameworks out there that help us do just that.

I would highly recommend following an existing specification, as there will be libraries out there to help both the providers of the API and the consumers of the API. Does it add value to your customers if you write an in-house specification?

Lastly, you can document your APIs, using something called an Open API Specification. This is a specification or blueprint that the API authors write, and publish to consumers. At the beginning of this post, I mentioned the Prolific API Open API Specification. This is defined in YAML (other formats are available), and we use a tool called Redoc to build a website we host showcasing how to use our API.

Connecting to APIs

So, we have gone into some key areas of building and talking to an API. More than likely, you’re wanting to integrate an API into your product somehow. There are several ways you can do this.

There are, as with everything, pros and cons for each approach. For example, writing your own gives you full control. By generating code from the specification you get to focus on your product and the value that brings, rather than writing standard code to hit an API. It’s a team decision on where the value is. Different teams will decide on different outcomes based on their experience and desired outcomes.


There is a lot more to APIs than what is mentioned above. For example, you could dedicate an entire post to Authentication, and the different types out there nowadays. However, the above should get you going at least.

I would like to say one last thing though. Nothing is perfect, and something is better than nothing.